19 Simple psychological tricks that can be effective.
There are numerous programming and psychological techniques that professionals use to influence others, but there are also simple yet effective methods accessible to anyone.
Here are 19 simple psychological tricks and techniques you can incorporate into your daily life.
1. Avoid starting your requests with the words “could you.” Using such phrasing may lead the other person to perceive it as a theoretical question rather than a direct request. For instance, instead of saying, “Could you call the neighbors?” which may result in a hypothetical response, rephrase it as “Please call the neighbors” to ensure your request is more likely to be fulfilled.
2. If your intention is to make someone feel uncomfortable, try maintaining eye contact and focusing on the middle of their forehead during a conversation. Many people find this gaze unsettling, as it creates a sense of scrutiny. However, it’s essential to use this trick responsibly and consider the impact on others’ well-being.
3. When someone tries to evade answering a question, employ the power of silence. Make a deliberate pause in the conversation while maintaining eye contact. This silence can make the other person feel uneasy and prompt them to provide additional details or even reveal the truth if they were previously lying. They may interpret your silence and gaze as signs that you already know more than they are willing to disclose.
4. If you want to build rapport with someone at a new job or school, ask them to explain something to you. It doesn’t matter if you already know the answer; requesting their assistance or insight can positively impact their perception of you. By seeking their guidance, you show respect for their expertise and foster a more favorable attitude towards you.
5. When asking a question to which you desire an affirmative answer, subtly nod as you make your request. This technique is frequently employed by restaurant employees to influence guests into ordering more food. The nodding gesture subconsciously encourages the person to agree and increases the likelihood of them responding positively.
6. Capitalize on someone’s focus and distractibility by extending your hand and taking an item they are currently holding. For instance, if they are engrossed in a phone conversation, they may not even register the momentary loss. This trick also works in reverse; you can offer them something while engaged in a conversation, and they may not even notice you doing so. This technique can be useful during cleaning or when moving to a new house.
Psychological tricks

7. If you want someone to do something for you, casually express doubts about their ability to accomplish it. Many people are motivated to prove others wrong when their capabilities are questioned. Additionally, before discussing the main issue, make a small or unusual request. By doing so, you establish a connection with the person, making it harder for them to turn you down afterward.
8. Just like when asking questions, subtly nodding during a conversation can be influential. This slight nodding gesture captures the other person’s attention and makes them more attentive to your words without them even realizing it.
9. For negotiations, employ the power of disappointment. If you generally like someone’s offer but desire better conditions, show a slight hint of dissatisfaction. This method can work like magic, as it creates an opportunity for the other person to improve their offer.
10. When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, immediately sit up and make two fists, as if you’ve just scored a goal in soccer. While it may sound peculiar, this action can help you wake up feeling refreshed and ready to start your day. Give it a try and share your experience in the comments.
11. To alleviate concerns about whether you’ve locked the door or turned off appliances, incorporate an absurd phrase into the action. Use a different phrase each time, such as saying “green rabbit” while turning off the iron or “oppressive crab” when locking the door. When you start doubting whether you completed the task, the memory of saying the odd phrase will reassure you and calm your worries.
12. If someone attempts to draw you into an argument or drama, respond with kindness. The age-old trick of “killing them with kindness” can catch them off guard and defuse the situation. Alternatively, remaining calm and silent can also be highly effective. Being ignored can be incredibly frustrating, and your composed silence may halt the escalation of the argument. Additionally, try putting yourself in the other person’s shoes to understand if there are valid points in their objections that you might have missed.
13. When dealing with a lazy team member who slows down the work process, don’t assign tasks by saying, “Do this.” Instead, phrase it as “Start with this.” Psychologically, it creates the impression of less work since they perceive the task as something small. Once they complete the initial task, use encouraging words like “Very good, now continue with this.” By breaking the work into smaller steps, they are more likely to finish what you initially wanted them to do.
14. If you have to speak in public, remember to bring a bottle of water with you. It serves the practical purpose of keeping your mouth from becoming dry. Additionally, you can take a pause to sip some water, using it as a moment to recall a part of your speech that slipped your mind. The audience won’t even notice, and it can help you regain your train of thought. If you’re feeling anxious, consider acknowledging it to the audience right away. It lightens the mood, calms your nerves, and fosters a sense of empathy among the listeners.
15. When someone is staring at you in a public place like the subway, redirect your gaze to their shoes. Maintain eye contact with their footwear, and don’t give up or look away. This subtle act can make them uncomfortable, and they are likely to divert their attention elsewhere.
16. If you always appear worried whenever you encounter someone you know, they may start feeling worried themselves. Your repeated expression of concern can influence their perception and cause them to associate your presence with negative emotions.
17. When someone has made a mistake, and you don’t want to sound too accusatory, adjust the way you construct your sentences. Instead of saying, “You didn’t close the window before you left,” rephrase it as “The window was left open all night.” This approach helps them recognize their mistake without feeling personally attacked, and it allows for a more constructive conversation.
18. If you didn’t get a good night’s sleep, try telling yourself that you did. It may sound peculiar, but studies have shown that if you genuinely believe you are well-rested, even if you’re not, your brain functions better. Researchers from Colorado College found that the power of self-belief can positively impact cognitive performance.
19. People tend to remember what happened at the beginning and end of the day more clearly than what occurred in between. This knowledge can be advantageous during job interviews. Try scheduling the consultation either at the start of the workday or towards the end. This way, you increase the chances of the employer remembering you among the other candidates.
These are the 19 psychological tricks that you can incorporate into your daily life.
These psychological tricks can be helpful in various situations, but it’s essential to use them responsibly and consider the well-being of others. Remember to always maintain respect, empathy, and ethical conduct in your interactions. Building positive relationships and maintaining open communication should always be the ultimate goal.